
Have you ever wondered why all graphic design looks the same? Are you looking for something unique, a bold yet timeless look that makes your brand stand out? Well, here we are!

We are stereoscope, a Bristol-based graphic design studio founded by Sophia Link and Konstantin Wittwer. Like the device, we merge two different perspectives into one, and create engaging visuals that connect to a wider narrative.

Sophia is the visual artist in the studio. Her unique style and unconventional approach to design make her work stand out. Sophia is not afraid to experiment with new techniques, technologies, materials, interesting textures, and shapes. She loves to structure and organise information in an approachable manner, with the aim to make it accessible to a wide audience. Sophia has worked with small businesses, cultural institutions, artists, and academia alike, always looking for ways to bring information to life.

︎︎︎ www.sophia-link.de
︎ Sophia Link

Konstantin is a journalist and filmmaker with a passion for storytelling, without losing sight of the bigger picture. His portfolio includes documentaries and reports created for German public television. Konstantin's creative journey led him to explore the realm of design and photography. At stereoscope, Konstantin's responsibilities include communications, research, strategy, and photography.

︎︎︎ www.k-wittwer.com
︎ Konstantin Wittwer